Healthcare Managers

Supporting Managers to be the leaders they want to be

I have had the pleasure of working with many Healthcare Managers across the NHS and what has struck me time and time again is how committed and accomplished group of professionals they are.

They are also a section of the healthcare workforce who are often overlooked, over- stressed and over-worked.

The challenges managers face day to day are multi-faceted. They may have to liaise with clinical colleagues, other commisioning teams and stakeholders as well as their own team. It takes significant skills to be able to do this and produce high quality of work at the end of the day.

However, there are no support mechanisms for them as professionals or as people. In their day there is little time to reflect and take stock. Managers often say to me that they are not sure they are giving value, or that they are in the right role and whether they should consider changing roles.

Is this you?
Are you sure you are giving value or that you are valued by your organisation?
Are you unsure as to whether you need or want to move role?
Are you so anxious and worried about doing a good job you do not have space to take stock and work out what is the best way forward for you?

Work with me and I will help you to:
-make decisive, well-informed choices about your career
– make choices that fit with your values and play to your strengths. -manage and reduce the stress and pressure of your work, allowing you to enjoy your career more healthily and more sustainably.
-bring a sense of fulfilment and balance to your career and life in general.
-plan and develop your skills and practice
– by putting in place boundaries you can take proper, powerful control of your career and life and improve your professional and personal relationships. You only need to bring courage, curiosity and committment to explore new options.

What sets me apart If you’re a manager looking for a coach:

I can offer you a unique set of experiences and levels of understanding that will help us create together some really outstanding coaching outcomes for you. I am still very much in practice as a doctor and I have roles currently in Primary Care, Secondary Care and Leadership. I have worked in the NHS for many years and have gone through many cyclical episodes of organisational restructuring. 

I would love to share my expertise on how to overcome the challenges of being a Manager and have a successful and happy professional and personal life.