About Me

About Maria

I have 25 year’s experience working with doctors and managers, from newly qualified to nearing retirement in both Primary and Secondary care. I understand what doctors and leaders in healthcare need to find direction, make positive and lasting changes in their careers, and stay well.

There are very few real opportunities to develop leadership competencies, in a personal and meaningful way. Executive coaching can support doctors and leaders to reach their potential and find purpose and satisfaction in their careers. It is confidential, independent and can be a transformative process.

I started coaching early in my GP career with GP Trainees and as part of my GP appraisal role. My core values of working alongside colleagues, supporting and empowering them have been key to their successful development. It has been a pleasure and an honour to see them flourish as a result. I am passionate about developing professionals, whatever their background and whatever challenges they may face.

I am highly skilled at working within the complexity of healthcare systems and recognise the issues that this brings to both the individual and the teams they lead. This environment is both a challenging and a constantly changing landscape. With commitment, consistency and compassion, change and growth are possible. With my help and support you can build your path to your goals and we can do this step by step.

My Medical Career

I qualified as a doctor in 1996 at Kings College London, with both an MBBS (Batchelor of Medicine and Batchelor of Surgery) degree and a BSc (Batchelor of Science) intercalated honours degree. After several years as a junior doctor in hospital and General Practice I became a qualified General Practitioner in 2000.

Since then I have worked as a GP and GP Trainer and quickly became a GP appraiser in 2003. I continue to work in these roles. I gained an MSc Masters degree in Clinical Education in 2007. I have held the position of Training Programme Director for the local GP training scheme and worked for the local Commisioning Care Group. In 2016 I became a Senior Appraiser overseeing a number of other appraisers and in 2018 I was appointed as Clinical Advisor for NHS England. I enjoy both roles immensely.

Throughout my career I have had the opportunity and honour to support Trainees and Senior Doctors in both training and appraisal contexts. Latterly, I have also had the opportunity to support Senior Leaders and Managerial Colleagues. I lead multidisciplinary teams through change, using coaching and mentoring methods. I have been instrumental in innovating new methods for evaluation that have been adopted nationally. This work has given me a deeper understanding of the challenges that are faced by my colleagues every day.

I am proud to reflect that throughout my career, the opportunity to support my colleagues has been the recurring theme. I find great satisfaction in developing my team members and colleagues as leaders, helping them to stay in work when they are struggling, and supporting them to develop their longer term career plans. This experience has led me to seek out, and develop an extensive repertoire and skillset in coaching in order to provide the best service to my clients. I bring this experience and these skills to our sessions, as well as a supportive and curious attitude. I can help you to move positively forward.