Are you “shoulding” over yourself?


Are you “shoulding” over yourself?

young ethnic woman pointing at camera
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

You should.[…]

you should.[…]

you should..[..].

Insert the words that resonate with you

A few months ago I did a post on the word “why” and how powerful it is. If you have not seen it, you might like to.

“Should” is equally as powerful but in the opposite direction.

“Why” opens up to all possibilities

“Should” does the exact opposite

It closes you mind to all possibilities.

But “should” does get you to do things…

In fact it does not.

The word “should” feels heavy, obligatory and punitive – well to me at least.

There is nothing expansive, light and hopeful about “should”

When you hear the word “should” your creative brain shuts off and becomes an automaton and just goes along with whatever you “should” be doing. It does not question or bring up possibilities of doing something different or better.

At worst the “should” can just want to make you curl up in a ball and do nothing. It may even cause rebellion and this will definitely mean the “should” does not get done.

Have you noticed when you are “shoulding” over yourself?

Do you know if you have the “should” command on loop in the background. This can make you feel tired and overwhelmed. It will bring out decision making and behaviours you may regret in future.

Like shouting at the kids after thinking you “should” be making that cake for the cake sale at school rather than taking a break as you have been on the go all day.

It may mean you decide to work extra hours short notice as you “should” do, as that is what good employees do. By doing so you miss bath time with kids and that makes you angry.

You then shout at your nearest and dearest because the house is a tip (in your eyes).

How do you stop “shoulding” over yourself?

This first way is to catch your brain in the thought in the moment.

Easier said than done.

However, there are ways that you can change this thinking and open up possibilities and a calmer and richer life.

Come and see me at The Professionals Coach and let me show you how!