Are you an Advancer or a Withdrawer?


Are you an Advancer or a Withdrawer?

a father chasing his son
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

Last week I shared the Happiness Formula I had learned.

This week I was asked ” do you run towards things or away from things?”

“Are you an Advancer or Withdrawer?”

Well that took me a bit by surprise!

My colleague went on the explain that fundamentally humans, when faced with a situation they do not like will want to run away from it or move toward something that is more pleasurable.

Humans either move away from pain or move towards pleasure.

This is known and understood.

It also tends to be situation dependent. Some of us will want to attain a fitness goal as that will allow them to be stronger in old age and be able to run after the grandchildren (pleasure) but want to take all the decisions at work as they feel they cannot rely on their co-workers to do a good job (pain).

What I realised…

I went away and had a think about my life and where I was an Advancer and where I was a Withdrawer.

I realised that when I am in Advancer mind-set, things seem to work better than when I am in Withdrawer mode.

In Advancer, I am creative, motivated, driven and a great problem-solver. I feel lighter at all the possibilities

As a Withdrawer I am closed off to possibilities and anxious and worried that the situation will get worse. I feel that this situation is heavy on my mind and quite literally is on my shoulders, I do recognise that in some areas I need to be a Withdrawer for now, for example checking my teenagers have done their homework.

Are you an Advancer or Withdrawer?

Which one are you – Advancer or Withdrawer?

Where in your life do you see this playing out?

Is it in your career or relationships or home life?

Where would you like to be?

If you would like some more support drop me a message at The Professionals Coach.