Take a walk on the “lighter side”

Take a walk on the "lighter side"


lighter side
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

When was the last time you played?

I don’t mean X-box/PS5/computer games

But actually played? Physically played?

We all know that children play.

Its very important for children. Play has been shown to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity and physical, cognitive and emotional strength. It is important for healthy brain development. In fact, play is so important to children that it has been declared a basic human right.

As we are now understanding that out brains are plastic even into our mature years – wouldn’t we all want to do something that is inheritently joy bringing AND develops our brains as well?

Unfortunately as we have “grown up” we forget the importance of play at work and at home.

Does our boss ever play?

Do they ever laugh?

Do they take a walk on the “lighter side”?

Benefits of play

“Play” as adults and leaders extends the same benefits. Through play, we develop resilience, learn emotional intelligence, group dynamics, and practice grit. Most importantly, as leaders, we discover the benefits of laughing.

Laughing at work- really?

When was the last time you laughed- I mean really laughed at work?

Laughing lowers blood pressure and pain levels, calms tension, relieves stress, promotes creativity, and aids in the fight against depression.

As it turns out, laughter really is the best medicine.

When we as leaders engage in play, both privately and with our teams, we are modeling what holistically healthy leadership looks like. We set the standard that while we take our work seriously, we don’t have to take ourselves seriously. 

More than that, a team’s ability to play together is one of the easiest tests of true team dynamics and strength.

Leaders without play produce leadership without vision.

Do you have the courage to take a walk on the “lighter side”?

The ability to laugh at ourselves.

To open up and be vulnerable.

A grand discovery that we don’t have all the answers.

In our leadership journey, never forget the importance of play. It keeps us grounded, builds trust with our teammates, and builds the character and grit we need to succeed.

If you cannot remember the last time you laughed at work or want to have better work relationships then come and book a session with me at The Professionals Coach. Let’s see how much laughter we can inject into your work-life!